
There is nothing permanent except change!
One of today‘s challenges is that times are changing fast. Yesterday’s chance is today’s status quo – if you ride the wave you are successful, if you missed it, you are just following. But: on every wave follows the next!
What should mindful leaders do to make the pace? Terms like digitalization, AI, Robotics are present in every (small) talk, disruption is the key word for every occasion. Opportunities are numerous, technology is offering enormous improvements: efficiency, transparency, profitability. Just one example: in state of the art organizations digitalization is on its way: data on every business case is somehow digitally accessible – these gold nuggets need to be mined and processed. Collect data on important cases, observe them and get the learnings out of it! Just think of your customer’s journey – wouldn’t it be a great service to immediately route your inquiries to the right employee to optimize response times, and analyze your leads from new customers (orders processed) to only inquiries with the push of a button? Every organization has customer data in digital format – using it is the goldmine to be explored.
Let’s talk about competition: frightening? No way! Competition increases but so is your market place. Again the digital possibilities bear great chances! Just think on your target group and how do you approach it – look for new distribution channels or marketing possibilities. Every opportunity to present your product to a customer could lead to sales. And sales is the thing we are here for – right? Using new means of communication like social media, online channels or apps to present your product will result in additional sales – how much depends on the digitalization of your customer journey.
No news? Right! But are you collecting your gold nuggets already? Are you exploring the new – disruptive – chances? Change is stepping in: organizations are organized – in a way they used to be organized. In the majority of cases optimized to a certain level, but rarely able to adapt to a fast paced change. But to ride the waves – the big ones – there need to be some mechanism to choose the right wave. This may not be the first wave but the organization should be able to jump on the big ones. This could be with the help of your most experienced surfers or in some cases with a surf instructor teaching you to catch the best ride. One thing is sure – there is nothing permanent except change and after one wave there comes the next. Prepare your organization to be ready for the ride.